Once you have decided to start a business, you may determine that you need financing to help you obtain the necessary equipment, space, and materials. This section will guide you through the preparation and application process for loans and other funding types.
I. Introduction
Preparing for the Small Business Loan Process
Author: Resource Nation Editorial Staff
Before you apply for a business loan, you should know and understand the process and requirements.
II. Developing a Business Plan
The Business Plan
Author: Susan Urbach, Director of Central Oklahoma SBDC
This book will show you how to develop a business plan that can be used to accompany your loan applications. A detailed example is included.
III. Projections, Balance Sheets, and Personal History
Blank Financial Projection Worksheet
Author: Bregan Heitz, MIS Analyst, OKSBDC State Office
This will help you start to put your projections together and determine your estimated money needs.
Personal Balance Sheet – SBA Form 413
Author: Small Business Administration (SBA)
This is a form used by the SBA to learn about your personal finances.
Personal History – SBA Form 912
Author: Small Business Administration (SBA)
This is a form used by the SBA to collection information about your background history and criminal record.
IV. Loans, Grants, and Other Funding Sources
SBIR Handbook
Author: Office of Technology, Small Business Administration (SBA)
A book about the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) programs and how to qualify and apply. This is most helpful for those applying for research grants.
Venture Capital Guide
Author: Small Business Administration (SBA)
An introduction to venture capital and how to obtain it.