Newsroom: Volume 1: Issue 2

Wednesday, September 26, 2012 – 2:42 pm

We’re excited to include you in our monthly newsletter! We hope this information is useful, and our team looks forward to serving your business with our full line of services at no cost to you. Have a great month!

Selling Global? 8 Reasons Why Your Small Business Should Get to Know

Thinking of exporting your products or services? Want to expand your existing exporting business? The U.S. government can help.

The SBA, for example, is making it a priority to help small business owners develop or expand their exporting activities through initiatives such as its Export Loan Programs and free online informational videos.

What else does Uncle Sam offer? Well, did you know the U.S. government can help target and facilitate meetings with potential international partners and buyers? Or that it provides U.S. exporters with international marketing and promotion opportunities? Read More Here!

National Development Council Training Opportunity!

Economic Development Finance Professional Certification Program

ED101: Economic Development Finance

Explores economic development activities as part of a community’s overall economic development finance strategy and investigates the financing resources available for job creation projects.

October 8-12, 2012 | Reed Conference Center, Midwest City | Tuition: $999

Deadline for registration is September 29th!

Click here for more details!

Small Business Management Certificate Program

The SBDC Small Business Management Certificate program is a highly facilitated, hands-on process for taking control of the twelve (12) core business management disciplines.

Level 1
Cash Flow
Management Control
Target Marketing
Time Management

Level 2
Human Resources
Inventory Control
Marketing Communications
Credit and Collections
Strategic Analysis
Knowledge Management Systems

For more information about this program, contact our state office at 580-745-2877!

Free Business Check-up!

Set up an appointment with a Business Development Specialist to make sure your business is running smoothly!

Click here to find an OKSBDC near you!

How Email Hurts Your Business

You use it every day, all day to do almost every aspect of your job. But email might be what’s holding you back.

Email. You probably know it as that lovely little tool that pretty much rules your life. In my eyes, it’s both the greatest–and also the worst–innovation impacting business today.

Email is great for short follow-up questions, forwarding presentations, and sending around office humor. Emails suck, however, for explaining a point of view, sucking up, getting angry, scheduling meetings (have you ever had an email tennis match to schedule a lunch?), getting the best seat at a restaurant, screening new employees, and negotiating a deal (though lawyers love negotiating via email as it makes it last longer).

So how do you balance email’s pros and cons? Read more here!

OSBDC is now on Facebook!

For weekly updates including training events, business news, tips, tricks and much more, visit our new Facebook page at and let us help you bring success to your business!

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